June 22, 2011

i need...

...a new haircut!  really, really badly.  i've decided i'm ready to chop a sizable chunk of my hair off and get my color closer to my natural color.  obviously, not my actual natural color because who goes into a salon and says they want to go a more dishwater brown?  so, here's my inspiration.

my appointment isn't for another week and a half so i have time to back out but i did run it by jim and he, like a good husband, said to "go for it."  i guess that means he doesn't hate it?

the photo is of nine de la fressange.  this may seem a bit overstated but i think my hair could do this without too much effort.  right now, it takes so much effort to straighten my hair that i end up just pulling it up into a bun every single day.  as for the color change, my lack of commitment to my hair spurred that on as the sheer maintenance of having to get roots touched up every six weeks just isn't something i'm into (and, let's be honest, it's way too expensive).  so, here's to trying a bit of the french way.

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