April 18, 2011

meet the new coffee table

i went to my go-to table guy, keith merry, and sketched out what i was hoping he could create for me.  he was game, as usual, and the table turned out perfectly.  i sort of merged the inset tray from willy rizzo's designs with the casual/functional property of reclaimed wood and topped the design off with a bit of "elegance" in the form of antique brass rivets.  so...there.  isn't she pretty?

i am already thinking of all the cool things i could put in the tray.  hmmm...

click here to learn more & purchase

April 9, 2011

holden's new obsession...

...our neighbor's cat.  if you merely mention the word kitty or kitty cat, he immediately heads for the front door in hopes that indie (our neighbor's cat) will be sitting at our front door.  to clarify, our next door neighbors actually lived in our house, walked next door to the newly built home during an open house, decided to buy it, and sold their house to us.  so, you can imagine that little indie gets confused as what was once her home, is now our home.  however, she has an admirer in holden.  he stands at one window...crawls to the other window flanking the front door...crawls back.  free entertainment is a good thing.
indie is actually one of the only cats i've ever liked in my life (just not a "cat person") and my neighbor even said she lets children pick her up by her tail.  i'm impressed.  she also meanders into our home if i ever leave the front door open while i'm getting holden out of the car.  i can't blame her...it's a great house.

on another note, as i strolled into the home after an errand, jim mentioned that there was an owl in our backyard and that the dogs were going nuts.  so, he put them in their kennel in the garage and proceeded to take a few photos.  he mentioned they were on my camera and i just didn't get a chance to actually look at them until now.  i imagined a baby owl had simply had a little trouble in the flight department but, as it turns out, this was no baby.  look at this bird!  amazing.

April 6, 2011

how lucky am i...

...to get to walk into this little scenario three times a day?  holden has made huge strides in the mobility department.  he's into everything and pulls up to a standing position as much as possible.  he's starting to cruise around things so i wouldn't be surprised if it's not too long before he's taking his first big boy steps.  nothing short of the world's most precious little man, holden is growing up way too fast.  i need to find a way to put the skids on, pronto!