October 1, 2010

4 1/2 months

i can't believe it's been a month since i last updated my blog.  pathetic...however, such little blog time means lots of crazy happenings going on.  we've been to the beach, seen the chihuly exhibit at cheekwood, attended an extraordinary sip and see, discovered that there are dogs outside and the fascination just doesn't stop, are in the throws of our first cold, started making our own baby food, and began introducing the fruit and veggie goodies a little bit at a time.

holden is a little on the fence about carrots but the bananas, apples, and sweet potatoes have been more successful.  it seems our little guy already has a sweet tooth...sounds a lot like his mama.  lots more to come...details, details, details.  so, while i whittle away at our new adventures, here's a photo from this morning to tie you over.

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